Buy a $7 raffle ticket and be in to win a beautiful basket of Nelson Tasman goodies with a retail price of more than $550, including:
Godseye Basket by Tanya Doty of Heartstone Baskets
Cushion cover by Vickies Originals
Te Ara o Hine Rehia book by Melissa Banks
Jewellery by Sonja Schouwink
Suter Café voucher
Product from Norbs Gold Honey, Melina Van Vyk, Bee Sparkles and more!
All proceeds go towards building the Archives, Records, and Collections (ARC) facility which will:
-Protect your history for future generations
-Enrich the Nelson CBD and region
-Improve public access to the collection
-Provide a safe environment for Museum staff
Only 150 Tickets available, online and in store.
Online purchases - your order number is your raffle ticket number.